Thursday, March 15, 2007

Deep Thoughts in the Night

"You know you can see if you're blinded"

I had a dream last night that I walked outside on a sunny day just after a snowfall and was blinded by it's brightness.

Does anyone else think strange things during the middle of the night? Should I be worried? I think pregnancy is taking it's toll on me.


De said...

SO profound. Actually seeing it in writing, it makes more sense to me. Or is it because it is almost midnight?

Lisa M. (Clark) Mengarelli said...

It's the pregnancy....hormones, etc etc etc!!! At least, you can 'blame' it on that, right?! You have a great I just 'blame' things on my medications!!! HAHAHA!!! When is your due date?

girlie girl said...

I had all kinds of weird dreams during pregnancy! HORMONES!!!