Thursday, October 12, 2006

Snow Day

This morning we looked out the window to find that snow was not only falling to the ground, but sticking there. So we took a recess from school to go out and enjoy the snow (Recess is very important, or so Twiggy tells me nearly every day). We are not quite yet prepared for snow so we made due with what we had; Daisy wore mittens that were too big for her, Rocky wore socks for mittens, and all three kids wore their tennis shoes. Pictured below is Twiggy with a good friend while Daisy is "looking on" (hee hee) in the background (I've always wanted to write that).

Rocky is such a little outdoorsmen. He often stands at the back door saying, "'side!....'side!..." because he wants to be outside almost all the time--no matter what the weather.

I love how kids appreciate the things in life that we as adults take for granted. I am reminded that the excitement and awe my children show about God's creation is the excitement and awe He desires from His children when we see and know Him!


Anonymous said...

Love the pics, twin! Makes me miss ya'all!

Love ya!